Sample data

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Name Credit Card
Pres. Kesha Schroeder 3688-494713-1863
Kyle Mueller 3687-662048-1847
Jc Doyle 3529-5948-3562-5276
Soo Strosin 3529-2049-7208-7401
Melanie Koch II 3453-815094-29278
Man Huels 3474-357354-76525
Moriah Graham PhD 3528-2631-7146-5090
Tyron Romaguera 3053-171504-7088
Haley Herman 3686-944306-6358
Pres. Rudy Halvorson 3715-399053-30328

Support Ticket
Hi - I applied for an insurance policy online with my SSN 497-84-7007, however the app says an unexpected error occurred. I tried to pay with my credit card, the number is 6771-8930-4846-5597. Could you take a look on your end?

Code Snippet
import stripe
stripe.api_key = "sk_live_4eC39HqLyjWDarjtT1zdp7dcTYooMQauvdEDq54NiTphI7jx"

  source="tok_amex", # obtained with Stripe.js
  description="Charge for"